ADCO Environmental Services, LLC is a hazmat company that offers Class 3 disposal services in The United States for flammable liquids as well as combustible liquids. When disposing of either a flammable liquid or a combustible liquid it is important to know that neither flammables nor combustibles are allowed to be poured down any drain under any circumstance. It is also not advised that a waste generator tries to burn off these types of liquids as it is considered unsafe and could result in personal injury or an unwanted fire not to mention may be considered an illegal treatment of waste.
Let our fully trained staff take the uncertainty out of disposing of your Class 3 liquids and dispose of them in a proper manner in accordance with the U.S.E.P.A., U.S.D.O.T., and OSHA. ADCO can dispose of flammable liquids and combustible liquids contained in containers as small as glass beakers and jugs, to 5-gallon buckets, 55-gallon drums, totes, and even can offer pump-out service of large tanks containing flammable liquids.

Some Facts About Flammable Liquids:

Some Facts About Combustible Liquids:

Requirements for Storing, Handling, Transporting, and Disposing of Class 3 Flammable Liquids:
Common (Class 3) Flammable Liquids and Combustible Liquids Disposed of by ADCO Environmental Services, LLC:

Flammable liquids and combustible liquids are strictly regulated and ADCO’s staff is fully trained in the proper handling, packaging requirements, transportation requirements, and disposal of Class 3 flammable liquids. Contact us today and find out why thousands of flammable waste generators have called on ADCO to assist them with the proper disposal of their flammable liquids.
If you have any questions regarding our flammable and combustible liquid disposal services or if you would like to discuss your business needs, we invite you to contact us at 877-254-2326 or 708-429-1660 today.