Disposing of Hazardous Waste in Jackson Since 1965
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Hazardous & Radioactive Waste Disposal in Jackson
Did you know hazardous and radioactive waste disposal services in the Jackson, Mississippi area are being offered by ADCO Environmental Services? ADCO is proud to announce that for over 50 years we have specialized in cradle to grave waste management type services for all types of hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams, including disposal of radioactive waste streams that are commonly produced by businesses, academic institutions, and industrial facilities in the Jackson area. We offer a wide range of disposal and treatment options for waste generators across Jackson, Mississippi.
Options For Hazardous & Radioactive Waste Streams

ADCO specializes in disposing of all types of waste in and around the Jackson area with one exception and that is Class 1 explosive waste which we will not take at this time. Some of the waste management services we offer to waste generators across the Jackson, MS area are the disposal of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste, profiling of various wastes, lab-packing of various chemicals, pump-outs of waste Oil and Coolant, even disposal of radioactive/nuclear waste such as sealed sources and N.O.R.M. waste.
ADCO can supply you with all types and sizes of USDOT approved shipping containers for you to pack your waste in and can even help you locate a supplier you may use on your own if you so shall choose to do so. Even if you have your own drums you wish to use, you may use them as long as they are USDOT approved shipping containers. We do ask that you send over photos of the drums you wish to utilize first so we can make sure they meet all the specifications of the USDOT and are in “Shippable Condition”.
If have a leaking drum, that’s no problem either! ADCO offers overpacking options if your shipping container the waste is currently contained in is not roadworthy and in need of being replaced. Let us know what the waste is currently contained in, and we will work with you to get the waste transferred into a USDOT approved shipping container.
ADCO is Here to Help Jackson, MS
ADCO offers turnkey hazardous and radioactive waste disposal services to waste generators across the Jackson area and our staff is knowledgeable on how to handle your waste streams to keep you in compliance with the regulatory agencies. Over the years, we’ve helped countless waste generators in and around the Jackson, MS area in disposing of their waste no matter how unique the scope of the project was.
We receive inquiries daily from waste generators that are in very complicated situations regarding how to properly dispose of their waste such as the following situations: having the waste contained in odd ball sized drums, drums containing unknown contents, and cases where state and/or federal agencies are now involved, as well as many others.

It is important to note that when disposing of hazardous waste in Jackson the waste is managed by various local, state, and federal regulations to ensure the safe handling and proper disposal of any hazardous materials of which we are very familiar with. Our promise is we will properly manage disposing of your waste from cradle to grave and dispose of your waste at only a fully licensed and fully insured waste processing facility.
Offering Jackson a One Stop Waste Shop
ADCO can prepare your hazardous waste profiles and shipping manifests on your behalf! We have prepared thousands of waste profiles and are very familiar with the ever-changing waste profiling process waste processors require. We know the paperwork required you need to ship hazardous waste on is very time consuming to prepare and often very confusing which is why we ask if you want ADCO to prepare your waste profiles and shipping manifests on your behalf.
ADCO is even able assist you in the process of obtaining your own site USEPA ID number needed to ship out most hazardous wastes and go over your EPA generator classification with you. Whether you are a very small quantity generator (VSQG) or a large quantity generator (LQG), ADCO is here to assist you with your waste disposal needs.
Our experts have many years of knowledge when it comes to working with waste processors and we know what it takes to get your waste profiles approved at the waste processing facility. The staff at ADCO can even create your shipping manifest for you and submit them to a fully licensed and insured waste processing facility where your waste is destined to go to on your behalf. Once all the paperwork is complete and the profiles are approved, someone from ADCO will contact you to schedule a mutually agreeable time to have the waste removed from your facility for disposal.
We Offer the Following Services in Jackson, MS:
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Lab packing / Laboratory Cleanouts
Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal
Radioactive Waste Disposal
Servicing Industrial Clients
Spill Clean-Ups
Waste Remediation Projects
More Helpful Insight About Disposal of Hazardous Waste in Jackson for Residents:
In Jackson, Mississippi, residents can dispose of hazardous waste by taking it to specific collection points designated for such materials. The City of Jackson’s Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division, offers a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) service where residents can drop off items like paints, oils, batteries, computers/electronics, and certain chemicals.
This service is available at 1570 University Blvd, Jackson, MS 39204, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) provides guidelines on recycling or disposing of paints, pesticides, old gasoline, and antifreeze. For instance, they recommend using all the paint for a project, finding someone who can use it, or taking it to a household hazardous waste collection event. Pesticides and other hazardous materials should also be taken to collection events or permanent collection sites if available. Old gasoline can be allowed to evaporate in a well-ventilated area or mixed in small quantities with new gasoline for use in engines like lawn mowers. Antifreeze should be recycled through car dealerships, automotive repair shops, or taken to hazardous waste collection events if pouring it down the drain is not an option.
Remember, it is essential to handle hazardous waste responsibly to prevent environmental pollution and protect public health and safety. For more detailed information on what items are accepted and safety precautions, you can contact ADCO Environmental Services and we will do our best to assist you regarding your waste disposal needs.
To inquire about our specialized waste management services we offer in and near Jackson, MS, please fill out the "Contact Us" form below and someone from our staff will be back in touch with you to assist you with your waste disposal needs.
Contact Information
ADCO Environmental Services, LLC handles all of your hazardous waste removal needs and delivers effective and affordable service.
- 877-254-2326
- 708-429-1660
Fax: 708-570-1498