Disposing of Hazardous Waste in New Orleans & Elmwood Since 1965
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Turn Key Solutions for Your Waste Removal Needs
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Comprehensive Waste Solutions At An Affordable Price
Hazardous Waste Disposal in New Orleans & Elmwood
Hazardous waste disposal in the New Orleans/Elmwood area is offered to generators of hazardous and radioactive waste by ADCO Environmental Services, LLC. ADCO has been supplying waste management services to the New Orleans metro area since 1965. We specialize in cradle to grave waste management services for all types of hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams commonly found in businesses, academic institutions, and industrial facilities. ADCO has a wide range of disposal and treatment options for hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, even radioactive waste!
Disposal Options For Hazardous & Radioactive Wastes
Since 1965 ADCO has offered disposal services for all types of waste generated in the New Orleans area with the exception of Class 1 explosives. Some of our waste management services we can offer waste generators in New Orleans are: Disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, profiling of various waste streams, lab-packing, pump-outs of waste Oil, even radioactive/nuclear waste disposal such as sealed source disposal.

ADCO is able to supply waste generators all types and sizes of USDOT approved shipping containers and can even help them locate a supplier they may use on their own. If you have a leaking drum it’s not a problem. We offer overpacking options if your shipping container the waste is contained in is not roadworthy and in need of being replaced.
New Orleans, ADCO Is Here To Help
ADCO offers turnkey hazardous and radioactive waste disposal options to waste generators in and around New Orleans and our staff is knowledgeable on how to handle your waste streams to keep you in compliance with the regulatory agencies. We’ve helped many waste generators dispose of their waste and some waste streams have been very unique.
ADCO is routinely contacted by waste generators who are in very complicated situations regarding disposing of their waste such as: having waste contained in drums considered to be odd ball sized in nature, drums containing unknown contents, and of course projects where the state and/or federal agencies are now involved. We promis we will properly manage disposing of your waste from beginning to end and your waste will only be shipped into a fully licensed and insured waste processing facility.
Turnkey Services in New Orleans
ADCO can prepare your hazardous waste profiles and shipping manifests on your behalf! We have prepared thousands of waste profiles and are very familiar with the ever-changing waste profiling process waste processors require. We know the paperwork required to ship your hazardous waste is very time consuming to prepare and often very confusing which is why we prepare your waste profiles and shipping manifests for you! Our staff can even assist you with obtaining your own site USEPA ID number needed to ship out most hazardous wastes. It does not matter if you are a very small quantity generator (VSQG) or a large quantity generator (LQG), ADCO is here to assist you with your waste disposal needs.

If you authorize ADCO’s staff to prepare your waste profiles on your behalf, please know you are in good hands. We have many years of knowledge when it comes to working with waste processors and know what it takes to get waste profiles approved. Once the profiles are approved, we will contact you to schedule a mutually agreeable time to have the waste removed from your facility for disposal.
We Offer The Following Services in the New Orleans area:
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Lab packing / Laboratory Cleanouts
Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal
Radioactive Waste Disposal
Servicing Industrial Clients
Spill Clean-Ups
Waste Remediation Projects
Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Disposal is Offered in the Following Parishes: Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, and St. Tammany Parishes.
Contact Information
ADCO Environmental Services, LLC handles all of your hazardous waste removal needs and delivers effective and affordable service.
- 877-254-2326
- 708-429-1660
Fax: 708-570-1498