Tritium H-3 Exit Sign Recycling and Disposal Service

Radioactive exit sign disposal services are offered by ADCO Environmental Services, LLC to those wanting to properly dispose of their expired self-luminous radioactive Tritium (H-3) exit signs. ADCO is a radioactive exit sign disposal company specializing in properly disposing of H3 exit signs for clients in The United States. Self-Luminous radioactive exit signs are sometimes used in facilities such as: skyscrapers / high rises, hospitals, universities, tunnels, airplanes, and office buildings where electrical lines are difficult to run, yet pathways to exits must be clearly marked. These self-powered radioactive exit signs often contain Curie amounts of Tritium (H-3) contained in small glass tubes inside the exit sign’s housing which will glow in the dark and are used to illuminate the lettering on the template/face of the exit sign with typically a greenish colored glow. The sign housings you see as a whole are attached to walls with a simple metal bracket or screws on the backside of the sign housing making these signs easy to install and use as pathway guiders to safe exits in the time of an emergency. The down side however to using these types of exit signs, is that the Tritium used in the signs will expire and no longer will illuminate as the Tritium (H-3) inside the housing/tubes goes through its half-lives and decays away then requires proper disposal of the expired radioactive exit sign with a company such as ADCO.
If you find yourself asking, “What do I do with a radioactive exit sign?” or “How do I dispose of a radioactive exit sign?” Remember this: Tritium, while not overly harmful, must be handled properly to avoid Tritium contamination. It is of utmost importance that radioactive exit signs be handled with care to avoid breakage of the glass tubes located on the inside the exit sign housing containing the Tritium. These signs are to NEVER be thrown away in the regular trash and if caught disposing of H-3 exit signs in with the regular garbage the generator / owner of the signs may face huge fines from the regulatory agencies, public exposure in the news, plus face site clean-up and remediation costs. Let the experts at ADCO Environmental Services, LLC who have assisted in the proper disposal of over 10,000 radioactive exit signs throughout ADCO’s history take the hassle out of you properly disposing of your radioactive exit signs and let us manage the proper disposal of your Tritium exit signs for you.

ADCO can provide guidance with self-luminous exit sign packaging requirements that are in place to assure you are shipping your exit signs in a U.S.D.O.T. approved shipping container in accordance to the USDOT’s shipping requirements as well as those set forth by the U.S.N.R.C. as well as agreement states such as California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas just to name a few. We are here to assist you in obtaining the proper U.S.D.O.T. approved shipping package for properly disposing of your Tritium exit signs and can provide you with the proper packing instructions on how to pack your radioactive exit signs and ready them for shipment into the processing facility where your radioactive exit signs will be recycled in accordance with U.S.N.R.C. regulations. ADCO’s staff is fully trained in the proper handling of H-3 exit signs and has offered guidance to customers across The United States in regards to disposing of their Tritium exit signs properly for many years.
At ADCO Environmental Services, LLC we take pride in dealing with your radioactive Tritium waste removal needs and will provide you with the level of guidance and quality service you deserve. If you have any questions regarding radioactive exit sign disposal or if you would like to discuss your radioactive waste disposal needs with an expert, contact us by filling out our contact us form below and one of our exit sign disposal experts will follow-up with you.