Why Proper Fire Alarm Disposal Is So Important

Every home and commercial building needs functional fire alarms and smoke detectors. These devices send out early alerts of smoke and excess heat so that occupants can take action. Whether using fire extinguishers or leaving the premises, these early alerts give everyone a chance to preserve their property, people, and pets inside that building which is now on fire. Unfortunately, even the best-made fire alarms have finite lifespans. Many smoke detectors and fire alarms require radioactive materials for fire detection and functioning. At ADCO Environmental Services, LLC, we’re sharing several reasons why proper fire alarm disposal is so important.

Many fire alarms contain a small amount of Americium 241 or Radium 226 inside their housings to allow the smoke detector to function. If smoke detectors are not properly disposed of, the radioactive material inside the smoke detector housing can leach into soils, contaminate nearby waterways, and pollute groundwater. Worse still, their environmental effects can be seen and felt for many years. For this reason, many states and local municipalities require property owners to pay for professional AM-241 and Ra-226 fire alarm disposal services. Failing to do so can result in stiff penalties and hefty fines.

Proper disposal of radioactive fire alarms protects wildlife and the environment. Radioactive elements can destroy essential wildlife habitats and many of the natural resources that local species rely on to thrive. For humans, radioactive materials can lead to birth defects and long-term and potentially fatal health consequences so that said, simply dropping your used Fire alarms into the trash can cause serious harm.

Radioactive fire alarm disposal also provides other benefits. The largest benefit is, it keeps usable recyclable Americium and Radium out of landfills which can both be recycled and reused to manufacture new smoke detectors. By properly recycling your smoke detectors it minimizes the draw on critical resources by giving recycling facilities ample opportunity to reclaim the materials used in your old smoke detectors to manufacture new ones.

It is important to point out that most fire alarms are meant to last just five to seven years of which after that period the smoke detector should be replaced. With multiple smoke alarms in nearly every household, business, and government institution, by everyone constantly changing them out, the cumulative impact of improper disposal could prove ecologically devastating to the environment. To do you part to protect critical ecosystems, give ADCO Environmental Services, LLC a call today to schedule a pickup, learn more about our services, or request a quote.

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