What To Know About RCRA Empty Drum Disposal

Getting rid of an empty container shouldn’t be a big deal. However, if this container contained compressed gasses or hazardous materials, it may be. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sets the standards for safe and environmentally friendly disposal of 55-gallon drums, medicine bottles, and other containers that pose a threat to human and animal life, habitats, and the natural environment. Whether you own a business that uses large drums, or you’ve used one or more on your residential property, the following is everything you need to know about RCRA empty drum disposal.

The first thing to know about your container such as a plastic tote or 55-gallon drum is that it must be empty before you can dispose of it. This remains true even if the container’s contents aren’t deemed as toxic. Over time, even non-toxic materials can become dangerous. Whether they leak or cause expansion in sealed containers due to biogenic gases, what was once harmless can eventually become injurious to the natural environment as well as those around it.

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) has clearly defined standards for emptying and disposing of these containers. At the time of disposal, only 3% of a containers weight can be due to residual liquids or powders for containers smaller than 119 gallons in size and 0.3% for containers that are larger. Containers that housed gas must be empty and close to atmospheric pressure for disposal. Given gas is weightless, the 3% allowance does not apply.

If deemed toxic, stored materials must be completely cleaned from containers before disposal. In these instances, the safest and surest way to get the job done correctly is by hiring an RCRA empty container disposal service. They’ll use the proper emptying techniques and cleaning solutions to ensure compliance.

At ADCO Environmental Services, LLC, we act as compliance partners with our clients. We also prioritize the health of the natural environment and the health of all humans and other species potentially impacted by this waste. To find out more about getting rid of your old empty drums safely, give us a call today!

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