Looking For Radioactive Exit Sign Disposal? Read This!

Do you need exit sign disposal? Radioactive emergency exit signs must not be disposed of with regular trash. Old or damaged egress light signage containing a radioisotope known as Tritium (H-3) can contaminate landfills and the environment if not disposed of properly, as they contain radioactive gas known as Tritium. To make these signs glow in the dark, they are made using radioactive Tritium Gas which is stored inside small glass tubes inside the sign housing. Due to these signs being radioactive, they will require a radioactive licensee to properly dispose of them. ADCO offers environmentally safe ways to get rid of Tritium signs and markers.

Why Use Companies That Specialize in Radioactive Waste Disposal for Exit Sign Disposal?

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) as well as the Agreement States require Tritium containing signs and markers such as fire pull switches not be disposed of as regular waste. Failing to comply with this regulation can result in severe penalties. When exit signs and markers are expired, you must return them to a licensed site licensed to process your radioactive waste for disposal.

How to Know Your Exit Sign or Marker Has Tritium

Signs and markers made using Tritium usually glow red or green. These signs and markers are not plugged into any electrical outlet, nor do they use batteries to power them, yet they will still illuminate. Normally, they have a warning label that states that they use Tritium, or the label shows that radioactive materials are present by showing the radioactive trefoil symbol somewhere on the exit sign housing.

All four letters on the exit sign must be brightly illuminated for the marker to work properly. Once the sign approaches its expiration, the glow will get weak and some of the letters won’t be properly illuminated which means the sign or marker has reached the end of its life. It is also possible the sign could be damaged of which is why it is of utmost importance to handle these signs with care as the small glass tubes inside the signs containing the Tritium gas are easy to break which will leave you with a Tritium spill of which will require a proper Tritium exit sign disposal service to handle.

Why Recycle Tritium Boards?

Radioactive exit sign recycling is important once their useful life is over. It is not as difficult as you might think to recycle these signs. You’ll need to contact ADCO, as we will work closely with our disposal facility to assure your signs are recycled to meet the radioactive exit sign disposal regulations set forth by the regulatory agencies.

We can tailor our services to suit your needs. Whether you need one or multiple exit signs to be recycled, we will help. We make properly disposing of the Tritium signs and markers easy and remain compliant through every step of the disposal process.

ADCO offers a mail-back service where you can use a common carrier to ship your exit signs into our processing facility. Our staff will guide you on making sure your package meets all regulations set forth by USDOT and USNRC. We will provide you with instructions on how to pack the signs and advise on proper return shipping labeling needed to ship your package containing the exit signs.

Steps to Follow:

1. Download our form linked here -> Tritium (H-3) Exit Sign Disposal Inventory then you will need to complete the form and email to us and include any photos that you have of your signs.

2. We will then send you a quote.

3. You will then pay for the service.

4. We will use the paperwork to procure a Return Merchandise Number (RMA) from our processing facility. We will then send you the shipping address and advise you on how to mark your package for shipment and place the signs in the shipping container.

5. You will then utilize a company such as UPS or FedEx to ship the exit signs to our processing facility.

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