Who Needs An EPA ID Number: A Comprehensive Guide
If you are handling hazardous waste, you may be wondering if you need an Environmental Protection Agency Site ID number commonly referred to as a “USEPA ID Number” or “Generator Number” or not. The short answer is that many businesses, facilities, and organizations that generate, transport, treat, store, and/or dispose of hazardous waste are required to obtain a USEPA ID Number. There are some exceptions to this rule, and the requirements can vary depending on your location and the type and amount of hazardous waste you generate and what the process for generating this waste was. This post takes a closer look at who needs an EPA ID number and why.

Businesses and Facilities That Generate Hazardous Waste
ADCO helps businesses and facilities that generate hazardous waste obtain EPA ID numbers on a daily basis. The USEPA defines “Listed Wastes” (Materials that carry EPA Waste Codes) as any waste that is potentially dangerous or harmful to human health or the environment AKA “Hazardous Waste”. This can include anything from chemicals and solvents to batteries and electronic waste (E-Waste), but surprisingly this does not apply to straight up radioactive waste which is regulated by the USNRC and not the USEPA. The USEPA states that if your business produces more than 100 kg of hazardous waste per month or more than 1 kg of acutely harmful/hazardous waste per month, you will need to apply for an EPA ID number. Additionally, some states have more stringent requirements for hazardous waste generator classifications. Luckily, ADCO is here to help you check and understand your state’s and federal regulations.
Transporters of Hazardous Waste
Transporters of hazardous wastes are also required to have an EPA ID number. This requirement applies to anyone who transports hazardous waste/listed wastes from a generator site to a treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF). At ADCO, we ensure our transporters we work with carry a copy of their EPA ID number permit during the transportation of hazardous waste. We embrace such moves to make sure our establishments comply with all applicable state and federal regulations regarding waste management.
Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) are facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. If you operate a TSDF, you must have an EPA site identification number. This rule includes facilities that recycle hazardous waste or treat it to make it less hazardous or render it non-hazardous at all. Our TSDFs we work with comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, and we maintain a detailed record of all waste received and shipped by hazardous waste generators utilizing ADCO’s services.
Exceptions to EPA ID Number Requirements
At ADCO our staff is always ready to guide you with identifying exceptions to the requirements from environmental protection agencies or local governing agencies as to who needs an EPA ID number. Our experts will assist you in getting an exclusion/exemption if you generate very small quantities of EPA listed wastes or if this is an episodic event where this is a one time clean-out of a large amount of waste accumulated over a long duration of time which would make you possibly exempt from needing to obtain an EPA ID Number. Additionally, some types of waste, such as household hazardous wastes, are exempt from registration with the EPA, however, it’s important to note that even if you are exempt from this requirement, you may still need to comply with other federal and state regulations for handling hazardous waste.
Applying for an EPA ID Number
ADCO is the ideal environmental consulting waste management company for those wanting to know how to apply for an EPA ID number with either federal or local environmental protection agencies. All we need is information about your company and the types of waste you generate to determine if you will need a site ID number or can be considered a “Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator” (CESQG). A CESQG will not need an ID number assigned to their site. Our experts will help you complete the necessary forms to submit to the EPA for obtaining your EPA ID Number or “One Time Episodic Event Exemption”. Once your application has been reviewed and approved by the EPA, you will receive your site’s new EPA identification number and/or determination as to your new generator status. ADCO can even assist with renewals and updates to your EPA registration or adjustments to your generator status if needed. We ensure you that obtaining these site ID numbers will remain a straightforward and hassle-free process. The seamless application allows you to focus on managing your hazardous waste in a safe and compliant manner.
Take Away
In summary, if you handle hazardous waste, it is important you understand whether you need an EPA ID Number or not and are able to remain a CESQG. Businesses and facilities that generate, transport, or treat hazardous wastes are typically required to obtain identification numbers, however, there are exceptions, and the requirements can vary depending on your location and the type and amount of waste you generate and how it was generated. ADCO aims to help our clients understand these requirements and ensure they are compliant with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Working with ADCO enables you to do your part in remaining in compliance with the regulatory agencies.